As we walked our dogs in a park next to Lake Worth, this colorful sunset appeared. I managed to capture a few quick images and thought I would share. Here is a link to a few more. link
Category: Miscellaneous Nature Photos
03/13/2014 Visit to Fennessy Ranch
A little over a week ago I had an opportunity to visit the Fennessy Ranch in Bayside, Texas. The ranch offered opportunities to see and photograph birds and other wildlife. The weather was beautiful and the facility personnel were friendly and knowledgeable. They led us on a tour a the facility and took us to a couple of bird blinds that provided most of the photos we took that day. More photos can be found at this link.
04/07/2012 Bluebonnets in Texas
My sister-in-law invited my wife, son, and me over for supper a couple of weeks ago. She told us the Bluebonnets were blooming in her backyard and asked us to come enjoy them with her. For my son and I that meant an opportunity to take a few photos. It was a beautiful afternoon and flowers were covering the backyard. Good
conversation and pleasant discussion of the coming feast, ho
w ever, distracted us. We almost waited too long. Well anyway, he and I finally realized this and broke away to carefully move among the flowers and look for shots. The light was fading fast but we did manage to find a few. Here are a couple of the ones I found (btw, the steaks were wonderful). link
04/01/2012 Backyard Squirrel Eating Birdseed
Looking out at the backyard this morning, there was a squirrel eating birdseed from a feeder. I had seen him before and had never been able to catch him on camera as he would quickly scamper away. This time luck was on my side. He must have been pretty hungry. link
01/20/2012 Backyard Female Red-Winged Blackbird

A couple of months ago, I was sitting in the the backyard and saw a bird I didn’t recognize. After a little investigation I found that this was likely a female Red-Winged Blackbird. I did not see any of the more familiar male birds, but there were many of these. If someone can identify it as something else, let me know. I put a few photos in my Backyard Nature Gallery. link
01/16/2012 Chipping Sparrow in Backyard
I was home late this afternoon after a doctor’s appointment and decided to take a few photos in the backyard. It was overcast and I used a speedlite equipped with a Better Beamer to brighten up the action. Here are a couple of images of a Chipping Sparrow enjoying the bird seed. link
01/09/2012 Backyard Birds in the Rain
The temperature was 44 degrees and it was raining. The birds were using the backyard feeders as shelter and enjoying the feed. What a great time for photos. Here are some backyard bird photos in the rain. link
12/24/2011 Backyard Birds on Christmas Eve
I stepped out into the backyard this morning, Christmas Eve, and thought it would be a
wonderful day to take some pictures. The backyard was alive with an abundance of birds attracted to to the various feeders we had set up. Here are some of the results. I believe the first photo is of a Carolina Wren, the second a Chipping Sparrow, and the third a female Cardinal. I also saw Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Bell’s
Vireo, and numerous other birds. It was a good day. Here is a link to these and some other backyard photos. link
(btw. I changed the ‘Galleries” layout in order to make it a little easier to use. Let me know if there are any problems with the new access.) Merry Christmas!
Red-bellied Woodpecker and Eastern Bluebird in Backyard
I was sitting in the backyard and saw a lot of bird activity. When I returned with my camera, I found a couple of Eastern Bluebirds appearing to be nesting in a bird house in the backyard. Then I spotted a Red-bellied Woodpecker sitting on one of our feeders. I added an new Miscellaneous Nature Photos section to the Nature Galleries. There you can find these and a couple more shots.