12/24/2011 Backyard Birds on Christmas Eve

I stepped out into the backyard this morning, Christmas Eve, and thought it would be a wonderful day to take some pictures.  The backyard was alive with an abundance of birds attracted to to the various feeders we had set up.  Here are some of the results.  I believe the first photo is of a Carolina Wren, the second a Chipping Sparrow, and the third a female Cardinal.  I also saw Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Bell’s Vireo, and numerous other birds.  It was a good day.   Here is a link to these and some other backyard photos.     link

(btw.  I changed the ‘Galleries” layout in order to make it a little easier to use.  Let me know if there are any problems with the new access.)  Merry Christmas!