Met with my son, my daughter and one of her friends on Sunday morning at the Fort Worth Nature Center. Here are a few images I made. These were taken along Crosstimbers Trail and at the Marsh Boardwalk area.
Sports, Events, Family, Nature
I have been wanting to get out to the Fort Worth Nature Center when they open in the morning at 7am for some time now. I finally managed to get there this morning. The sun was already starting to rise but the golden colors were still hanging around. The air was still and moist with temperature around 75 degrees. Here are some images I made this morning at the Marsh Boardwalk area. These three and a few more have been added to my Fort Worth Nature Center Landscapes gallery. link
It had been raining late Sunday afternoon and we wanted to get out to enjoy the cooler air at the nature center. The marsh boardwalk allowed us to walk around without too much mud and we managed to capture some images of the cloud covered scenery that was still wet from the rains. I added a few of these to the Fort Worth Nature Center Scenery gallery. link
The Egrets were active on this warm afternoon in May. We were able to catch a Snowy Egret, a Great Egret, and a number of Cattle Egrets that afternoon. All were posing as if to invite us to take some pictures. I added these and a few others to my FWNC Wildlife Gallery. link
Here are a few more scenes from the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge I took yesterday. These were taken near the Timbercreek Trail and on the Marsh Boardwalk. link
I just added a few photos taken near the entrance to the Crosstimbers Trail at the Fort Worth Nature Center late Sunday afternoon. I hope to be adding a few more over the next few weeks. link
The rains had just ended and we managed to slip out to the Fort Worth Nature Center for an hour or so. I caught an Eastern Phoebe hovering around its nest. The link connects to my FWNC Gallery where I added a few photos from the day’s shoot. link
My sister-in-law invited my wife, son, and me over for supper a couple of weeks ago. She told us the Bluebonnets were blooming in her backyard and asked us to come enjoy them with her. For my son and I that meant an opportunity to take a few photos. It was a beautiful afternoon and flowers were covering the backyard. Good
conversation and pleasant discussion of the coming feast, ho
w ever, distracted us. We almost waited too long. Well anyway, he and I finally realized this and broke away to carefully move among the flowers and look for shots. The light was fading fast but we did manage to find a few. Here are a couple of the ones I found (btw, the steaks were wonderful). link
s past Friday (the 13th) afternoon, my son and I visited the Fort Worth Nature Center as we often do. In general, it was again a pretty quiet day as it had been the last few times we had been there. We were contemplating leaving when a Great Egret flew in and landed on a tree just across the river (next to the Crosstimber Trail). It was overcast but the white bird was vivid against the dark trees and green leaves and he appeared in no hurry to leave. We stayed for a while longer and took a number of shots. Here are some of the images I made during the afternoon. link
My son and I found this guy partially submerged in the marsh area of the center. When we first walked up to the water we heard a splash and something dove into the water. We weren’t sure what it was, but a little while later we see this head peaking out of the water. I think it is a bullfrog (not that familiar with frogs). In any case, he made some interesting images and I added a few to my FWNC wildlife gallery. link