Spring is here and the migrations are starting to show. Here are some images of White-Faced Ibis that are making their appearances at the nature center. I also included a couple of Cormorant photos as well. link
Author: daryl
03/05/2013 Indoor Soccer
Haven’t had much opportunity to take photos of or even watch much soccer in recent years. It has always been one of my favorite activities. Indoor soccer is particularly challenging to photograph. It is fast, the
light is poor, and often you are shooting through nets or “clear” plexiglass walls. After taking some photos of a few games and working through some logistics and technical issues, I managed to take these images. I was invited to come to this game because a couple of the players on one of the teams used to play on one of the youth soccer teams I coached years ago. It is rewarding for me as they are not only playing (wow, in an Over 30 league…makes me feel old) and doing very well but that they are involved in coaching youth teams of their own. I am very proud of them. Anyway, here are some images of the game.
03/01/2013 Late Winter Day at the Fort Worth Nature Center
It is
late afternoon at the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. Clouds are in the sky and there is still a chill in the air. I added a few photos to my Landscape Gallery taken at the Marsh Boardwalk and along the Riverbottom Trail. link
02/20/2013 Impressive Clouds in North Texas
This morning’s weather system produced some interesting cloud formations overhead. I understand that these are called Asperatus Clouds and are considered unusual. In any case, they are impressive to look at. Here is a link to a few more images of them I took before I went to work this morning. link
01/03/2012 Winter Scenery at the Fort Worth Nature Center
01/01/2013 New Year at the Fort Worth Nature Center
It was a new year and the weather was cold and overcast. Still, it was late in the day and I wanted to get out into the fresh air and maybe take a few photos. I didn’t get to stay long, but it was nice to walk around a bit. Apparently if I had been about 20 minutes earlier I would have seen the Bald Eagle feeding at the marsh. But I missed it and had to settle for some photos of the cold landscape. A few of these are shown here and were added to my FWNC Landscape Gallery. I also included a few images that I made the day after Christmas. The snow was still on the ground after the first Christmas Day snow we have had in over 30 years. link
12/07/2012 Fort Worth Nature Center Great Blue Heron
It is now almost winter and the bright fall colors have faded. Most of the birds have migrated away for the winter. Still, we found a Great Blue Heron posing near the shore in the late afternoon sun. Here are a few more photos of the days shoot. link
11/18/2012 Great Egret at the Fort Worth Nature Center
Last weekend we managed to slip away for a couple of hours at the Fort Worth Nature Center. The fall colors were beginning to show and a great egret or two were posing as they fed. I added a few photos to my Wildlife gallery from the day. link
09/17/2012 Spider at the Fort Worth Nature Center
terday was a dreary and overcast day, but we decided to visit the Nature Center to get out of the house and walk the dogs. As we walked around, the gray sky did not make for that many attractive photos, but I came upon a spider spinning a web at the Bird Blind. He appeared to be missing a couple of legs, but nonetheless provided an interesting subject. He gracefully climbed and spun in circles as he added more and more strands. As we walked further, once we were under the canopy of trees, the light became more interesting and provided a few pictures of the trails. Here are some photos from the days shoot. Click on the photos to see a few more.
08/31/2012 Scenery from the Greer Island Area of FWNC
The clouds were beautiful on this warm summer day at the Fort Worth Nature Center. My son and I visited the Greer Island area of the center in search of summer day images. The links connect to a few of these in my Landscape Gallery. link